2009 Hoffman Challenge Dolls

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Row 1 bella2.jpg (129834 bytes)
Deanna Hogan
hoff_09_plavalley.jpg (114198 bytes)
Patti LaValley
hoff_09_kmallory1.jpg (133514 bytes)
Karen Mallory
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Jackie Earwood
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Cindi Goodwin
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Shirley Harwell
Row 2 hoff_09_llunsford1.jpg (162389 bytes)
Laura Lunsford
hoff_09_shall1.jpg (144710 bytes)
Sharon R. Hall
hoff_09_nhall1.jpg (79258 bytes)
Nancy Hall
hoff_09_mlord1.jpg (181060 bytes)
Michelle Lord
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Loretta Thompson
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Hoopie Wanamaker
Row 3 hoff_09_aberryhill1.jpg (124554 bytes)
Arley Berryhill
hoff_09_ailey1.jpg (72000 bytes)
Agnes Iley
hoff_09_snovatski1.jpg (156347 bytes)
Stephanie Novatski
hoff_09_vphilion1.jpg (78561 bytes)
Veronica Philion
hoff_09_wwhittemore1.jpg (357387 bytes)
Wendy Whittemore
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Joyce Patterson
Row 4 hoff_09_rcoburn.jpg (157602 bytes)
Robyn Coburn
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Ellen Vorster
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Lois Boncer
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Daria Cash
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Pam Hurd
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Dru Esslinger
Row 5 hoff_09_mbose4.jpg (110215 bytes)
Mithua Bose
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Mithua Bose
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Cindy Alldredge
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Liz Waechter
hoff_09_jchowning1.jpg (97692 bytes)
Jack Chowning
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Rita Hernandez
Row 6 hoff_09_dkiehn.jpg (64222 bytes)
Daisy Kiehn
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Bonnie Stewart
hoff_09_chall1.jpg (124272 bytes)
Christine Hall


Copyright Deanna Hogan, Blue Heron Crafts